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The MV George Robinson Cruise

Arthur River Cruises
The MV 'George Robinson' departs from the mouth of the Arthur River at 1000 and travels 14 kilometres to the junction of the Arthur and Frankland rivers. It takes approximately 90 minutes to reach our destination, 'Turks Landing'. On the way, white-breasted sea eagles swoop and pick up fish thrown by the crew. Morning tea is served and the skipper or tour guide gives an informative commentary about the changes in vegetation, from coastal heath, to wet sclerophyll rainforest to cool temperate rainforest. During our two-hour stop at Turk's Landing, you can enjoy a guided leisurely stroll through the rainforest or relax in the protected barbecue area among the trees and ferns. A barbecue lunch with a selection of fresh salads, bread rolls and wine is included in the cruise fare. People who have cruised on the MV 'George Robinson' often comment that the mingling of the friendly crew and fellow passengers makes their day feel 'just like a day out with family'. No matter what the weather (and we often experience four seasons in one day), a cruise with Arthur River Cruises is unique and unforgettable. The vessel returns to the Arthur River jetty at 1500.


Family Friendly

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.



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