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Marakoopa Cave: Great Cathedral and Glow Worms Tour

Operated by Mole Creek Caves
Mole Creek Caves
Marakoopa Cave is a limestone cave in the Mole Creek Karst national park. The Mole Creek Karst National Park is in the central north of Tasmania, about 40 minutes drive west of Deloraine. Two tours operate within the Marakoopa cave with each tour taking time to view the largest public glow-worm display in Australia. The Great Cathedral and Glow-worm tour will take you to the largest public chamber of the cave viewing sparkling crystals, flowstone, stalactites and stalagmites along the way. The 'Gardens' feature delicate formations and beautiful contrasting colours. Medium fitness levels are required for this tour to ascend the stairway to the "Great Cathedral". The 45-minute tours take place several times a day, every day except Christmas Day. Bookings are recommended and are required for groups of 10 and over

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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