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Abrolhos Islands Paddling Adventure

Aerial shot
Crayfish dinner
Home away from home
Leo's Island
Embark on a 7-day sea kayaking expedition in Western Australia, diving into the abundant marine life and captivating history of the Houtman Abrolhos Islands. Set sail on the Silverado, our premier live-aboard vessel, ready to uncover the secrets of these 122 islands, often hailed as the ‘Galapagos of the Indian Ocean’. Each day presents a fresh adventure: paddling through lively coral reefs, teeming with a variety of fish, playful dolphins and gliding rays. On land, experience the spectacle of over two million seabirds and the rare opportunity to observe the endangered Australian sea lion in its natural habitat. Travel back in time as you traverse more than 60 historic shipwrecks, including the infamous Batavia, unveiling a fascinating aspect of Australia’s maritime heritage. Plunge into crystal-clear waters for an unforgettable snorkeling experience with seals, surrounded by the underwater kaleidoscope of coral gardens, vibrant fish, anemones and seagrass meadows. You can even try your hand at catching your dinner from one of our handpicked fishing spots.

Does not cater for people with access needs.


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