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Nubeena Bee Festival

A honey bee gathering pollen from a Pride of Madeira plant
Jenni McLeod from the Bee Collective talking with attendees at the Festival
Wonderful staff from Tasman Honey selling their wide range of assorted honey
The wonderful stallholder from Lil Lizzies Kitchen sharing her fabulous produce with attendees
Bill McHenry taking a moment to share his amazing Honey Vodka with an attendee
Bob Newton shared his wealth of knowledge of the beekeeping equipment and apiary requirements
Ashton spent time with the children painting rocks, making bees and singing songs that delighted all
Stallholders Daquiri Isle serving up some colourful treats to attendees with slushies of all flavour
Two Rotarians inside the Rotary van serving up yummy food to a lady enjoying the fine food on offer
Lady with Beehive hairdo and bees on her wig
Nubeena Bee Festival is an event for the broader Tasmanian community to get together and celebrate bees and their impact on the environment, our economy and our community. The event will be opened on the Friday night with a "Gala Bee Ball" offering entertainment, dining with food that highlights the flavours of honey, and a social gathering to bring members of the community together to celebrate our region. The festival on the Saturday will have a mix of food providers, each having some products that encompass honey, garden stalls with plants that encourage bees to your garden, apiarists and beekeepers with information and supplies of all things about keeping bees, artists and crafters, with a selection of products that incorporate bees and/or honey in their wares. We will have presentations from gardeners educating the community on the types of plants to grow to bring bees to your gardens, apiarists providing insight into the dangers/risks to bees and how to set up your own beehives.
Event Details
  • Saturday 4 October 2025 (Annual)

  • Clarke Street, Nubeena, Tasmania, 7184


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