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Seasoned Off Seasoners

No one knows the Tasmanian winter better than the locals. Get some solid holiday tips and learn how to become a winter person from those who live and breathe the Off Season.

Sweat it out

The Off Season is a time for warmth, wellness and sweating it out – just ask Elsewhere Sauna owner Selena de Carvalho. Ready to embrace the heat? Here are some of Tasmania’s best saunas.

Find out more

A woman wearing a loose-nit woollen sweater and half-cut pants sits on the steps of a portable sauna built on a trailer.
Tourism Tasmania

Off Season stories

Local experts share their wintry intel on the Off Season. Be pulled into these Tasmanian tales, spun right across the island.

Stay in the know

Can’t wait to put your puffer jacket back on? Subscribe to be the first to know about winter events and special Off Season offers for 2025.

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A large procession of people carrying flags walk in a long, sprawling line towards a performance stage in the background.

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