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Crescent Bay

Crescent Bay
Crescent Bay is a walk in Tasman National Park. 4 hours return, 7.5 km return. Grade 3. With its turquoise waters and soft, rich sand, C​rescent Bay is a popular summer swimming spot. Spend some time soaking up the sun's rays, watching the waves lap on the shoreline and admiring the heights of the surrounding sand dunes. On a clear day you can see Tasman Island and the striking cliffs of Cape Pillar. Begin at the Remarkable Cave car park and head towards Maingon Blowhole. From here continue on for about another 1 hour 30 mins until you reach a junction. Either head south toward Mount Brown, or turn north-east and follow the signs to the beach. The walking track finishes above the beach where the dynamic coastal environment has led to the accumulation of large dolerite boulders, worked smooth from the relentless impact of the ocean. If you choose to scramble over these large rocks you'll reach the beautiful sands of the picturesque Crescent Beach.​ Return to the car park via the same route. Please refer to the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania website ( for up-to-date information about this walk, alerts, closures, safe walking guidelines, leave no trace principles and National Park entry fees where applicable.

Does not cater for people with access needs.




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