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7 Tasmania 2025 Open DanceSport Championship

Two dancers peform latin dance on dance floor with adjudictors in the background
The evening opening with smoke effect as dancers enter the floor
Two dancers on the floor being watched by audience at tables
2 couples dancing ballroom with audience watching
The entrance to the silverdome
A look at the dance floor at the 2019 event from the C Reserve level seating
Dancers performing traditional ballroom
The highest standard of DanceSport in Australia. Experience the highest standard of DanceSport in Australia together with 1400 people in the audience cheering dancers competing not just for titles, but also the richest prize purse in the country! The major dancing magazine Dance Review called the Tasmanian Open the "Australia's Dance Competition of the Year". If you love Dancing with the Stars, you'll love this event held across day with the finals forming the glitz and glamour of the nighttime spectacular!
Event Details
  • Saturday 9 August 2025 (Annual)

  • 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM

  • 55 Oakden Road, Prospect, Tasmania, 7250




Family Friendly


Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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