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Birdwatching Tours Tasmania

Green Rosella
Pepper Bush guide, Ben picking some bush berries on Roses Tier
Crackling campfire with kettle at lunch venue
Australian Pelicans
Forester Kangaroos in the afternoon light
Crescent Honeyeater
Superb Fairywren
Tasmanian Native Hen
Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo
Tasmanian Nature Experience – 2 or 3 days/nights of the very best of Tasmania’s birdlife and wildlife. Day 1 - Travel the forest backroads to Tasmania’s highland forests to view an array of forest birds on the way to the Tyne Valley for a nature experience reviewed as one of Australia’s best - the Quoll Patrol. Enjoy a campfire dinner with the kangaroos and the ambience of a crackling campfire while sampling Tasmanian beverages before meeting some of Tasmania’s endearing wildlife characters. Day 2 and 3 - Mt William National Park – 9.00 am departure - Birds are abundant in Mt William National Park with honey eaters, wrens, robins, finches, and pardalotes found in the park. It is also home to yellow tailed black cockatoos, harriers, white bellied sea eagles and wedge-tail eagles. Migratory birds like short-tailed shearwaters and the occasional albatross may also be sighted. Day 2 or 3 - The Scottsdale region offers a range of bird habitats. We explore waterways, tall forests with undergrowth, open native eucalypt forests, plantations, farmlands and rolling hills. These areas are home to wrens, honeyeaters, robins, whistlers, parrots, thornbills, raptors, waterfowl, waders, fantails and many more.


Public Toilet

Does not cater for people with access needs.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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