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Stories from Penguin's heritage lookout cemetery: free self-guided audio App tour

One of the better preserved grave fences
Our lookout cemetery sits atop a hill overlooking Bass Strait and our CBD, which unusually just happens to be right across the road from the beach. Penguin recently had its beachfront rejuvenated with a walk/bike track from the eastern side of Penguin through to the next village of Preservation Bay and shortly on through Sulphur Creek to the Bass Highway heading to Burnie. At the junction you'll find our psychedelic sentinel penguin named Pablo. Our heritage cemetery opened in 1869 and closed in 1977 with over 1800 burials. The App tour walks you through the cemetery from the front gate up past the little commemorative garden for our 80+ unnamed children. Here you will find the very tall Children of the World sculpture funded from a formal long-table dinner held onsite. The App shares 21 stories from 100 years ago as told by many of our locals.


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