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Sawtooth ARI Gallery

A person stands outside Sawtooth ARI. It is a shed like structure with a closed roller door.
Sawtooth ARI is an artist-run initiative based near the banks of kanamaluka, lutruwita (Launceston, Tasmania). We are committed to servicing the community through the provision of a quality exhibition program. We showcase contemporary and experimental art by local, interstate and international artists at various stages of their professional career. At Sawtooth, we have four galleries. In 2022, the front gallery at Sawtooth has been transformed into a First Nations specific exhibiting space. 'First Space' is an ongoing place for First Nations peoples to share art, experiences, creations and their stories. We want to continually generate real change and support for the community, and to create further diversification within our exhibitions, to centre conversations through a First Nations lens. 'Inner Space' and 'Back Space' is dedicated to showcasing emerging/experimental practice. Our fourth gallery is 'The Space,' dedicated to our community.

Gallery / Museum

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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