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Bellevue House, Home of Richmond Botanicals Co. and Bellevue1840 Gin.

Huon Pine Candle
Walk the gardens
Property entrance
Gift Shop
Gin Tasting Room
heritage property
The Richmond Botanicals Co. is located in the village of Richmond. Located at 16 Bridge Street, Bellevue House in the renovated sandstone stables, servant quarters and prison cells that once housed horses, servants and even prisoners. The shop also acts as the studio where the owners spent over ten years quietly developing a range of skincare, artisan soaps and a Tasmanian inspired candle range. With open gardens where visitors can see the servants quarters and prison cells and unique private walled garden. Gin Tastings of local Tasmanian Gin and the properties own Bellevue1840 Gin and vodka. The gardens are open daily, so wander and take in this hidden gem. Selling only Tasmanian luxury goods that have been handmade by local artists. With open gardens where visitors can see the servants quarters and prison cells and walled garden.

Cellar Door

Gallery / Museum

Lawn / Gardens

Shop / Gift Shop

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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