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Tour Operator

Tamar Valley Food and Wine Boutique Tours

Visitors on the tour tasting some Pinot Noir grapes!
Moore's Hill Vineyard
Tamar Valley Food and Wine Boutique Tours offers a daily full-day tour that includes a food and wine experience unlike others offered in the Tamar Valley. What makes this tour stand out head over heels is the variety crafted into the experiences of the day, things like a visit to an Olive Grove with some infused extra virgin oil tasting (blood orange/chilli/basil/garlic, etc) and a stop at Turner Stillhouse for a Gin tasting, a berry picking at Hillwood Berry Farm in season, a Craft Beer Brewery as an extra option. This tour is the number one rated on Google, and the quality of the reviews tell the rest! We have also been nominated as a 2021 Finalist and we are awaiting the big announcement of the winners on the 5th of November 2021! Tamar Valley Food and Wine Boutique Tours is more than your normal wine tour, and it is a "taste of the Tamar!" We value your experience and want it to be one you won't forget and can't wait to Instagram and tell your friends and family about.
Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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