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Tour Operator

Wild Tasmania Tours

Wild Tasmania Tours is a nature-based hiking and sightseeing tour company based in Hobart Tasmania, offering both public and private tours around Tasmania. They cater for small groups of up to 13 passengers and are accommodated with multi-share and private options. With 15 years' experience in tour guiding and tour operations throughout Australia, passengers can rest assured to have an experienced and professional tour guide and trip. Wild Tasmania Tours is not a tour operator that will oversell the tour inclusions but will ensure passengers are able to fully submerge themselves into each destination and spend more time enjoying what Tasmania has to offer. Their regular tours travel to Tasmania's iconic locations including Cradle Mountain, Freycinet (Wineglass Bay), Bay of Fires, Mount Field, Strahan and Launceston. Both group tours also enable visitors to attend the renowned Salamanca Markets either the day before or after their tour. Wild Tasmania Tours offer private tours all over Tasmania. Destinations include Bruny Island, Port Arthur, Mount Wellington, Richmond, Maria Island or Tasman Peninsula. Escape into the wild with Wild Tasmania Tours today.

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