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Tour Operator

ALL4 / ALL Terrain Tours

Riding ATV's in Freycinet National Park
Coles Bay Hazards mountains Freycinet National Park
Family over looking Friendly beach Freycinet National Park
View over Friendly beaches Freycinet National Park from an ATV
Friendly beaches swim Tasmania
Family View Friendly Beaches Freycinet National Park
Tour Guide ATV tour storytelling history
Your ATV Adventure departs from stunning Coles Bay on the East coast of Tasmania and gateway to the Freycinet Peninsula. Tours begin with a half-hour training session to learn the basics of riding the ATV buggies, including safe handling and riding techniques. From here your guide takes you on an unforgettable journey through the coastal forest along fire trails to either of two stunning destinations. Ride to south Friendly beaches, a pristine white sandy beach that can otherwise only be accessed by foot or by four-wheel drive. Or travel through boulder-strewn valleys to Bluestone Bay and then on to admire the Coastal Cliffs surrounding Cape Tourville Lighthouse. Our exhilarating Half-day Explorer includes both destinations plus an appetizing lunch. We place a strong emphasis on interpretative tours of the National Park and pride ourselves on providing our clients with a full appreciation of this magnificent coastal environment with its rich cultural, historical, and environmental heritage. Tours operate year-round. This is a great all-weather activity and on the rare chance it is raining, wet weather gear will be provided if required.


Four Wheel Driving


Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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