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Tour Operator

The Highland Fly

Nick May holding a brown trout
brown trout ready to be released from a landing net
A Highland Fly client holding a beautiful brown trout she caught on Arthurs Lake. Ready for release.
The Highland Fly's boat at the entrance to Penstock Lagoon
Double Lagoon, one of the 19 Lagoons in the World Heritage Area on a beautiful clear spring day.
A local echidna, near the Great Lake in the Central Highlands of Tasmania
Brown Trout on Little Pine before release
A fly fisherman holding a wild brown trout he just caught
The Highland Fly operates personalised fly fishing tours in the Central Highlands of Tasmania. In the hands of an experienced local guide, you will stalk wild brown trout in the lakes of the Central Highlands. You may even find a rainbow trout. Individual, small group and larger group bookings are all welcome, with the Highland Fly having other professional guiding partners to help share the load. I deal happily with fishers of all levels of experience. Depending on the plans for your fishing days, the Highland Fly operates a specialist fly fishing boat and provides all equipment. Your day is also catered for including lunch, morning and afternoon tea. Also offering introductory fly fishing instruction days at a great private fishery in the Central Highlands or can arrange access to other private fisheries a relatively short drive from Hobart. And if you have a special requirement or are trying to put together a group booking feel free to get in touch


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Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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