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Businesses across the island have taken positive steps to create safe spaces for LGBTQIA+ travellers.

Tasmanians are a welcoming sort, and tourism operators are going the extra mile to demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity.

Tourism and LGBTQIA+ community organisations have jointly developed the Rainbow Tasmania Tourism Accreditation program to create a more inclusive environment for travellers of all sexualities and gender identities.

A couple stand at the edge of Dove Lake with a snow-capped Cradle Mountain in the background.
Dove Lake
Dearna Bond

The Tasmanian businesses that have attained Rainbow Accreditation are familiar with the Anti-Discrimination Act; have taken steps to safeguard their workplaces against harassment and discrimination; have developed LGBTQIA+ cultural awareness; and have committed to providing information for LGBTQIA+ tourists about relevant local services and support.

From cafes to accommodation providers to tour companies, keep an eye out for the Rainbow Tasmania Tourism Accreditation logo on registered operators’ web pages, and across the Discover Tasmania website.

A young couple at a nightclub dance
Hobart nightlife
Dearna Bond

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